Thursday, July 15, 2010

Breakfast Burrito Update

Since I know that you've all been sitting around wondering how my breakfast experiment went today (anyone?), I thought that I would ease your mind and fill you in. And....

It went really well! It's 1:45 pm and I am just having lunch now. (Full disclosure: I had a bowl of green grapes around noon.) Still, I'd say that my burrito was muy bueno! And yes, I'll address the whole eating at your desk thing at a later date.

I had two eggs scrambled with baby spinach, sliced red pepper, shredded carrots, and one of those breakfast patty thingamagigs all wrapped up in a sprouted grain tortilla that I heated in a pan. (I would have taken a photo of the final product, but I was so hungry that it was gone before I thought to do so. Instead, I included an image of Remy and Pippa taking a nap on the new rug under the new kitchen table that was delivered today just because I'm so darn excited about it.)


The verdict: My breakfast was completely delicious and kept me full for almost FOUR HOURS. A record in my book. Interesting side note: My palate must be so used to sweet tastes in the a.m. (not to mention the fact that my body is usually fueled by the sweet stuff for the better part of the morning) that I still wanted something sweet. The answer? About 4 oz of 100 percent fresh squeezed orange juice. I normally don't have it in the house since I think juice is silly -- I'd rather eat two whole oranges than drink a glass of OJ -- but I hosted a brunch a few weeks ago and happened to have some left. In any case, it was a great solution and I think it will come in handy as I make the transition to the more savory flavors housed in a breakfast wrap.

Besides the nutritional payoffs that come with forgoing cereal, I realized today that there are other benefits as well. (If you're thinking about making the change, but are on the fence, these bonuses may help you make the move. Also keep in mind that if you're having second thoughts about your cereal you don't have to give it up 100 percent of the time. I decided that this was the best decision for me primarily because of the excessive amounts of sugar and sodium that I was consuming along with the fact that I was so freaking hungry!) So here, the added bonuses of swapping cereal with eggs:

  • Buying a dozen organic cage-free eggs and some veggies is significantly less expensive than purchasing organic sugar-laden cereals and organic non-fat milk. (Make sure you're still getting enough calcium and vitamin D, though, by taking daily supplements, eating yogurt, or drinking milk.)
  • You get a couple of servings of veggies right off the bat. Certainly can't say the same about cereal.
  • Here's a big one: You can't go back for more. Let's face it, when eating cereal you've got to keep the milk-to-crunch ratio in check. So you top your bowl off with a little more and before you know it (or even if you don't) you've just added another serving. With eggs, you eat what you make and that's it! Built-in portion control, friends.
While I realize that there are other breakfast options out there besides the incredible edible, I think it's a great place to start. I'm a one-thing-at-a-time kind of person when it comes to making a change.

I also want to note that living a balanced life isn't only about food. So much more to write about besides eating (although it is one of my favorite things to do) and I will be sure to spice things up with a little more balanced variety soon.

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